About us

 Welcome to my page Raatrani, I'm glad to give you the joy of reading. Which I do enjoy while writing. 

Some of the moments I have experienced, a dream that I see here and live, that is exactly what Ratarani is, here you will enjoy articles, letters, poems, stories, charolis written in the Marathi language.

You will be entertained by reading the post here. Similarly, I want the readers to pay a little attention to the Marathi language. I would love to know what your reactions are to the writing I have done, I hope you will share your response as well as your thoughts with me.

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा

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प्रिय तू ,    आज खरंतर इतक्या वर्षात पहिल्यांदा तुला पत्र वगैरे लिहितेय, थोडं दिल खुलास होऊन सांगतेय. तुझी तक्रार असावी माझ्याकडून की, मी का...